"Öğütülmemiş Pirinç" sayfasının sürümleri arasındaki fark

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19.03, 24 Şubat 2022 tarihindeki hâli

Öğütülmemiş Pirinç
Blank icon.png
Ham haldeki pirinç. Değerini arttırmak için bunu değirmenden geçirilir.
Tohum Rice Shoot.png Pirinç Filizi
Büyüme Zamanı 8 gün (6 when irrigated)
Mevsim Spring.png Bahar
Deneyim 7 Farming XP
Enerji / Sağlık
Silver Quality Icon.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
Satış Fiyatı
Blank icon.png
Blank icon.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
Blank icon.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
Blank icon.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png

Öğütülmemiş pirinç pirinç sürgünün 8 günde (sulandığında 6) olgunlaşmasıyla oluşan sebze mahsülüdür. Lahana tırpan kullanılarak hasat edilir.

Players have the ability to craft Rice from Unmilled Rice by using a Mill. Once placed in the Mill, one Unmilled Rice will make one Rice. Rice will appear in the box on the right side of the Mill the following morning.


Hasat edildiğinde, her pirinç sürgünü bir öğütülmemiş pirinç verir, %10 ihtimalle bir ya da daha fazla ekstra öğütülmemiş pirinç verebilir (ortalama 0.11 ekstra öğütülmemiş pirinç).[1]

Rice Type Aşama 1 Aşama 2 Aşama 3 Aşama 4 Hasat
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 5.png
Sulanmamış 1 Gün 2 Gün 2 Gün 3 Gün Total: 8 Gün
Sulanmış 1 Gün 1 Gün 1 Gün 3 Gün Total: 6 Gün

Ekin Büyüme Takvimleri

Temel Sulanmayan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Temel Sulanan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Ziraatçi ve Hızlı-Ek Karşılaştırması - Sulanmayan
Speed-Gro.png Hızlı-Ek Deluxe Speed-Gro.png Üstün Hızlı-Ek Hyper Speed-Gro.png Aşırı Hızlı-Ek
%10* Sulanmayan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
%25 Sulanmayan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
%33 Sulanmayan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
*%10'luk tablo gübresiz Ziraatçi Mesleği için de geçerlidir.
Agriculturist.png Ziraatçi
%20 Sulanmayan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
%35 Sulanmayan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
%43 Sulanmayan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Ziraatçi ve Hızlı-Ek Karşılaştırması - Sulanan
Speed-Gro.png Hızlı-Ek Deluxe Speed-Gro.png Üstün Hızlı-Ek Hyper Speed-Gro.png Aşırı Hızlı-Ek
%10* Sulanan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
%25 Sulanan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
%33 Sulanan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
*%10'luk tablo gübresiz Ziraatçi Mesleği için de geçerlidir.
Agriculturist.png Ziraatçi
%20 Sulanan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
%35 Sulanan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
%43 Sulanan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png


Kasabalıların Tepkileri

Sevmez Abigail Icon.png AbigailAlex Icon.png AlexWizard Icon.png BüyücüCaroline Icon.png CarolineClint Icon.png ClintDwarf Icon.png CüceDemetrius Icon.png DemetriusElliott Icon.png ElliottEmily Icon.png EmilyEvelyn Icon.png EvelynGeorge Icon.png GeorgeGus Icon.png GusHaley Icon.png HaleyHarvey Icon.png HarveyJas Icon.png JasJodi Icon.png JodiKent Icon.png KentKrobus Icon.png KrobusLeah Icon.png LeahLewis Icon.png LewisLinus Icon.png LinusMarnie Icon.png MarnieMaru Icon.png MaruPam Icon.png PamPenny Icon.png PennyPierre Icon.png PierreRobin Icon.png RobinSam Icon.png SamSandy Icon.png SandySebastian Icon.png SebastianShane Icon.png ShaneVincent Icon.png VincentWilly Icon.png Willy
Nefret Duyar Leo Icon.png Leo


Öğütülmemiş pirinç hiçbir yığın için gerekli değildir.


Image Name Description Ingredient Equipment Time Sell Price
Rice Genellikle sebzelerin altına konulan tahıl türü. Unmilled Rice.png Öğütülmemiş Pirinç (1)
Ready the next morning data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100g


Öğütülmemiş pirinç dikiş makinesiyle kumaş kullanılarak boyanabilir Shirt159.png Gömlek ve Kemer üretilebilir. Boyamada kullanılmak üzere Emily ve Haley'nin evindeki (Söğüt Sokağı, No: 2) turuncu boya kabına yerleştirilebilir.



  • If grown from Rice Shoots purchased from Pierre's, it is only profitable to sell gold quality Unmilled Rice directly. With the Tiller Profession, silver quality Unmilled Rice becomes profitable by data-sort-value="1">Gold.png1g. In all cases it is profitable to process Unmilled Rice into Rice using a Mill, or Pickles using a Preserves Jar.
  • Sulanmış bir kareden öğütülmemiş pirinç hasat ettiğiniz gün, kare sulanmış şekilde kalır. O kareye herhangi bir bitki ekerseniz bitkinin suya ihtiyacı olmayacaktır.


  1. The game generates a random number between 0 and 1, and if it is less than 0.1, then another Unmilled Rice will spawn. This repeats until the random number is greater than or equal to 0.1, at which point the chance for an extra Unmilled Rice ends. This, on average, will give 0.11 extra Unmilled Rice. Keep in mind that Luck can also double the amount of extra Unmilled Rice spawned by the above formula.


  • 1.4: Tanıtıldı.
  • 1.4.2: Gift taste changed to universal dislike.
  • 1.5: Iridium quality is now possible when using Deluxe Fertilizer. Bugfix for Agriculturist stages of growth.