Öğütülmemiş Pirinç

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Öğütülmemiş Pirinç
Unmilled Rice.png
Ham haldeki pirinç. Değerini arttırmak için bunu değirmenden geçirilir.
Tohum Rice Shoot.png Pirinç Filizi
Büyüme Zamanı 8 gün (sulak alanda 6)
Mevsim Spring.png Bahar
Deneyim 7 Çiftçilik DPsi
Enerji / Sağlık
Silver Quality Icon.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
Satış Fiyatları
Taban Fiyat Tiller.png Filiz Kökleyici (+%10)
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
Zanaatkar Satış Fiyatları
Taban Fiyat Artisan.png Zanaatkar (+%40)
Brown Juice.png
Brown Pickles.png
Brown Juice.png
Brown Pickles.png

Öğütülmemiş Pirinç, Pirinç Filizinden çıkan ve 8 günde (sulak alanda ise 6 günde) olgunlaşan bir sebzedir. Öğütülmemiş Pirinç, bir Tırpan ile hasat edilir.

Değirmene bir Öğütülmemiş Pirinç atılarak bir Pirinç üretilebilir. Sonraki sabah değirmenin sağ tarafındaki kutuda Pirinç belirir.

Çiftlikte herhangi bir yere yerleştirilmiş Pirinç Filizlerinin olgunlaşması 8 gün sürer. Bir göl veya nehir gibi su kaynağının 3 kare yakınına ekilmiş Pirinç Filizleri ise sulak alana ekilmiş olur ve sulak Pirinç Filizleri ise 6 gün içinde olgunlaşır.


When harvested, each Rice Shoot has a 50/50 chance of giving either one or two Unmilled Rice at farming level 0, or one or three Unmilled Rice at farming level 10 or higher, plus an additional 10% chance of one or more extra rice (1.61 rice on average, or 2.11 at farming level 10+).[1]

Pirinç Türü Aşama 1 Aşama 2 Aşama 3 Aşama 4 Hasat
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 5.png
Normal Alan 1 gün 2 gün 2 gün 3 gün Toplam: 8 gün
Sulak Alan 1 gün 1 gün 1 gün 3 gün Toplam: 6 gün

Ekin Büyüme Takvimi

Temel Sulanmayan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Temel Sulanan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Ziraatçi ve Hızlı-Ek Karşılaştırması - Sulanmayan
Speed-Gro.png Hızlı-Ek Deluxe Speed-Gro.png Üstün Hızlı-Ek Hyper Speed-Gro.png Aşırı Hızlı-Ek
%10* Sulanmayan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
%25 Sulanmayan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
%33 Sulanmayan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
*%10'luk tablo gübresiz Ziraatçi Mesleği için de geçerlidir.
Agriculturist.png Ziraatçi
%20 Sulanmayan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
%35 Sulanmayan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
%43 Sulanmayan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Ziraatçi ve Hızlı-Ek Karşılaştırması - Sulanan
Speed-Gro.png Hızlı-Ek Deluxe Speed-Gro.png Üstün Hızlı-Ek Hyper Speed-Gro.png Aşırı Hızlı-Ek
%10* Sulanan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
%25 Sulanan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
%33 Sulanan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
*%10'luk tablo gübresiz Ziraatçi Mesleği için de geçerlidir.
Agriculturist.png Ziraatçi
%20 Sulanan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
%35 Sulanan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
%43 Sulanan
Pt Sa Ça Pe Cu Ct Pz
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png


Kasabalıların Tepkileri

Sevmez Abigail Icon.png AbigailAlex Icon.png AlexWizard Icon.png BüyücüCaroline Icon.png CarolineClint Icon.png ClintDwarf Icon.png CüceDemetrius Icon.png DemetriusElliott Icon.png ElliottEmily Icon.png EmilyEvelyn Icon.png EvelynGeorge Icon.png GeorgeGus Icon.png GusHaley Icon.png HaleyHarvey Icon.png HarveyJas Icon.png JasJodi Icon.png JodiKent Icon.png KentKrobus Icon.png KrobusLeah Icon.png LeahLewis Icon.png LewisLinus Icon.png LinusMarnie Icon.png MarnieMaru Icon.png MaruPam Icon.png PamPenny Icon.png PennyPierre Icon.png PierreRobin Icon.png RobinSam Icon.png SamSandy Icon.png SandySebastian Icon.png SebastianShane Icon.png ShaneVincent Icon.png VincentWilly Icon.png Willy
Nefret Duyar Leo Icon.png Leo


Öğütülmemiş Pirinç, herhangi bir yığında kullanılmaz.


Görsel İsim Açıklama Malzeme Ekipman Süre Satış Fiyatı
Pirinç Genellikle sebzelerin altına konulan tahıl türü. Unmilled Rice.png Öğütülmemiş Pirinç (1)
Sonraki sabaha hazır olur data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100g


Dikiş Makinesinin baskı yuvasına Kumaş ve makarasına da Öğütülmemiş Pirinç yerleştirerek bir Kemerli Gömlek Shirt159.png üretilebilir. Emily ve Haley'in evi Söğüt Sokağı, No: 2'de boyamada kullanmak için turuncu boya kutusuna koyulabilir.



  • Pierre'den alınmış Pirinç Filizi ile büyütülmüşse kâr amacı varsa yalnızca altın kalite Öğütülmemiş Pirinç satılabilir. Filiz Kökleyici uzmanlığı varsa gümüş kalite Öğütülmemiş Pirinç de data-sort-value="1">Gold.png1g kar getirir olur. Her durumda Öğütülmemiş Pirinci Değirmende Pirince çevirmek veya Kavanoz ile Turşuya dönüştürülmesi kâr getirir.
  • Sulak bir alana yerleştirilmiş bir Öğütülmemiş Pirinç hasat edildiğinde toprağı sulak kalmaya devam eder. O gün o toprağa ekilecek herhangi bir ekinin sulanmaya ihtiyacı olmaz.


  1. The game randomly selects with equal odds either the minimum harvest value of 1, or the maximum harvest value (which is also 1) + 1 + Farming Level / 10. This is the base number of Unmilled Rice to spawn. It can only be an integer and decimals are ignored, so only farming levels of 10 and above make a difference and add one. After that, the game generates a random number between 0 and 1, and if it is less than 0.1, then yet another Unmilled Rice will spawn. This repeats until the random number generated is greater than or equal to 0.1, at which point the chance for an extra Unmilled Rice ends. This, on average, will give 0.11 extra Unmilled Rice on top of the initial 50/50 chance for one or two extra Unmilled Rice to be produced. Keep in mind that Luck can also double the total amount of extra Unmilled Rice spawned by the above formula.


  • 1.4: Eklendi.
  • 1.4.2: Artık evrensel olarak hoşlanılmayan bir hediye.
  • 1.5: Artık Üstün Gübre kullanılırken iridyum kalitede üretilebilir. Ziraatçi uzmanlığının yanlış etkilemesi düzeltildi.