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Euaks (mesaj | katkılar) tarafından oluşturulmuş 03.52, 15 Ağustos 2024 tarihli sürüm (fix the red link)
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Doğum Günü Bahar 18
Yaşadığı Yer Pelikan Kasabası
Adres Karavan

Penny Icon.png Penny (Kızı)

Evlilik Hayır
Sağlık Ocağı Randevusu Bahar 25
En Sevdiği Hediyeler Beer.png BiraCactus Fruit.png Kaktüs MeyvesiGlazed Yams.png Soslanmış Tatlı PatatesMead.png LikörPale Ale.png Soluk BiraParsnip.png Yaban HavucuParsnip Soup.png Yaban Havucu ÇorbasıPiña Colada.png Piña Colada
Robin building.png
“Hala yapacak çok işim var”
— Robin

Eksik çeviri

Bu makale veya bölüm tamamen Türkçeye çevrilmemiştir. Çevirisine yardımcı olmak için düzenleyerek bekleyin.
En son Euaks tarafından 2024-08-15 03:52:47 tarihinde düzenlenmiştir.

“Bu sabah gazete okuyordum sonra depresyona girdim. Bu Dünya çürümüş evlat. Kafanı sağa vidala ki tek parça halinde başarasın... Bu babamın hep söylediği şeydi. Heh heh heh.”
— Pam

Pam, Pelikan Kasabasında ırmağın hemen batısında karavanda yaşayan bir kasabalıdır. Pam, Pelikan Kasabası Otobüsünün arızalanmadan önceki şoförüydü. Otobüs seferleri yeniden başlatıldıktan sonra, Pam çiftliğin hemen doğusundaki Otobüs durağını yönetecek ve Çöle giden yolu açacak.

Otobüs seferleri aktif olmasa da Pam genellikle saat 12:00'ye kadar evinde bulunabiliyor. Daha sonra birkaç saatliğine JojaMart'a yürüyecek ve akşam 4:00'te oradan ayrılıp Yıldızkaydı Salonu'a yürüyecek. Pam, Gus'un en sadık müşterilerinden biridir. Her akşamı onun işyerinde geçiriyor.

Pam'in 25 Bahar'da doktor randevusu var ve bu nedenle otobüs servisi ​​o gün aktif olmayacak.

Eğer Zencefil Adası'ndaki sahil beldesinin kilidi açılırsa, bazı günlerde burayı ziyaret edebilir ve bu da otobüs hizmetinin devre dışı kalmasına neden olabilir. Tesisi ziyaretçilere kapatarak bu durumun önüne geçilebilir.

Günlük Programı

After the Beach Resort on Ginger Island is unlocked, Pam may randomly spend the day there. After leaving the Island at 6pm, Pam will immediately go home to bed. Pam never visits the Resort on Fall 15, Festival days, or her checkup day at Harvey's Clinic.

Shown below are Pam's schedules prioritized highest to lowest. For example, if it is Spring 25, that schedule overrides all others.

Bahar Mevsiminin 25i
8:00 Lounges on her couch in the trailer.
11:30 Leaves her trailer and heads to the medical clinic for her annual checkup.
13:30 Continues her checkup at the clinic.
16:00 Leaves the clinic and heads to the saloon.
00:00 Leaves the saloon and heads home for the night.
Günlük Rutin (Otobüs Durağı Onarılmamışsa)
8:00 Lounges on her couch in the trailer.
12:00 Leaves the trailer and heads to JojaMart.
16:00 Leaves JojaMart and heads to the saloon.
00:00 Leaves the saloon and heads home.
Günlük Rutini (Otobüs Durağı Onarılmışsa)
8:00 Karavanındaki kanepesinde uzanıyor.
8:30 Karavandan ayrılır ve Çiftliğin doğusundaki Otobüs Durağına gider.
10:00 Arrives at the bus stop for the afternoon.
17:00 Leaves the bus stop and heads to the saloon.
00:00 Leaves the the saloon and back home for the night.


Pam, kızı Penny ile birlikte yaşar. Her akşamı Yıldızkaydı Salonu'nda sosyalleşerek geçiriyor.


Ana makale: Arkadaşlık
Ayrıca bakınız: Tüm hediyelerin listesi

Kasabalılara haftada en fazla iki (doğum günü dahilinde üç) hediye verebilirsin, hediyeye göre sizinle olan arkadaşlığınızı çoğaltacak ya da azaltacak. Doğum gününde (Spring.png 18 Bahar) verilen hediyeler ×8 etkiye sahip olacak ve benzersiz bir diyalog gösterecektir.
Hoşlandığı bir hediye için bunlardan birini diyecektir;

“Doğum günümü unutmadın mı? Etkilendim doğrusu. Teşekkürler.”
“Ah, bugün doğum günüm müymüş? Öyleymiş. Teşekkürler. Bu çok hoş.”

Nötr hediyeler için bunu diyecektir;

“Doğum günüm için mi? Teşekkürler.”

Hoşlanmadığı ya da nefret ettiği hediye için bunu diyecektir;

“Doğum günümde bana bunu mu veriyorsun? Bu bir çeşit şaka mı?”


“Hey, hey! Now this is really something! Thanks a million, kid.”
Görsel Ad Açıklama Kaynak Malzemeler
Pam Happy.png
Bira Kararında içilmeli. Yıldızkaydı Salonu
Wheat.png Buğday (1)
Cactus Fruit.png
Kaktüs Meyvesi Dikenli kaynanadilinin tatlı meyvesi. Toplayıcılık - Çöl
Glazed Yams.png
Soslanmış Tatlı Patates Tatlı ve doyurucu... İçindeki şeker karamel tadını andırıyor. Yemekler Yam.png Tatlı Patates (1)Sugar.png Şeker (1)
Likör Baldan yapılan mayalanmış bir içecek. İçerken aşırıya kaçmamalı. Fıçı Honey.png Bal (1)
Pale Ale.png
Soluk Bira İçerken aşırıya kaçmamalı. Fıçı Hops.png Şerbetçiotu (1)
Yaban Havucu Havucun yakın akrabası olan bahar yumrusu. Besin maddeleriyle dolu olmasının yanı sıra dünyevi bir tadı vardır. Çiftçilik - Bahar
Parsnip Soup.png
Yaban Havucu Çorbası Yeni pişmiş, sağlığa yararlı bir çorba. Yemekler Parsnip.png Yaban Havucu (1)Milk.png Süt (1)Vinegar.png Sirke (1)
Piña Colada.png
Piña Colada İçerken aşırıya kaçmamalı. Plaj Tatil Yeri Pazar günleri


“You did good with this one, kid. Thanks!”
Görsel Ad Açıklama Kaynak
Pam Happy.png
Fulya Hediye olarak sunulabilen bilindik bir bahar çiçeği. Toplayıcılık - Bahar

Tepki Verilmeyen

“Thanks, kid.”
Görsel Ad Açıklama Kaynak
Horozmantarı Kokusu meyveleri, tadı ise biberi andıran lezzetli bir mantar. Toplayıcılık - Güz
Common Mushroom.png
Mantar Güzel görünen lezzetli bir mantar. Toplayıcılık - Güz
Karahindiba En güzel çiçek değildir ama yapraklarından çok iyi salata yapılır. Toplayıcılık - Bahar
Zencefil İnsanı zinde tuttuğu söylenen keskin, baharatlı bir kök. Toplayıcılık - Zencefil Adası
Fındık Bu bayağı büyük bir fındıkmış! Toplayıcılık - Güz
Pırasa Soğanın lezzetli akrabası. Toplayıcılık - Bahar
Magma Cap.png
Mağma Mantarı Lav dolu havuzların dibinde yetişen ender bir mantar. Toplayıcılık - Volcano Dungeon
Kuzumantarı Cevizi andıran eşsiz tadıyla bilinir. Toplayıcılık - Bahar
Purple Mushroom.png
Mor Mantar Mağaraların derinliklerinde nadir olarak bulunan mantar türü. Toplayıcılık - Madenler
Snow Yam.png
Kar Patatesi Karın altında gizlenen ufak bir patates. Toplayıcılık - Kış
Winter Root.png
Kış Kökü Nişastalı bir yumru. Toplayıcılık - Kış


“This just ain't my thing.”
Görsel Ad Açıklama Kaynak
Pam Concerned.png
Kuvars Mağara ve madenlerde yaygın olarak bulunan belirgin bir kristal. Toplayıcılık - Madenler
Wild Horseradish.png
Yabani Bayır Turpu Baharda bulunan acılı bir kök. Toplayıcılık - Bahar

*Not Dinozor Yumurtalarının hediye amaçlı Yumurta olarak değil, Eser olarak kabul edildiğini unutmayın.

Nefret Duyulan

“Now this is just absolutely despicable.”

If you click on Pam again after giving a Hated gift, she will say:

“(Is this some kind of mean joke?)”
Görsel Ad Açıklama Kaynak
Pam Annoyed.png
Çobanpüskülü Yaprakları ve parlak kırmızı meyvesiyle kışın ünlü süslerindendir. Toplayıcılık - Kış
Ahtapot Gizemli ve akıllı bir yaratık. Balıkçılık
Mürekkepbalığı Büyük boyutlara ulaşabilen bir açık deniz yaratığı. Balıkçılık

Filmler ve Atıştırmalıklar

Ana makale: Sinema Salonu
'It Howls In The Rain'.png Yağmurda Uluyan

'Journey Of The Prairie King The Motion Picture'.png Çayır Kralı'nın Yolculuğu

'Mysterium'.png Gizem

'Natural Wonders Exploring Our Vibrant World'.png Doğa Harikaları: Canlı Dünyamızı Keşfediyoruz  

'The Brave Little Sapling'.png Cesur Fidan

'The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch'.png Soğukyıldız Çiftliği Mucizesi

'The Zuzu City Express'.png Zuzu Şehri Ekspresi

'Wumbus'.png Vumbus

Nachos.png Naço

Stardrop Sorbet.png Yıldızkaydı Şerbeti

Apple Slices.png Apple Slices

Black Licorice.png Meyan Şekeri
Cappuccino Mousse Cake.png Kremalı Kek
Hummus Snack Pack.png Hummus Snack Pack
Jasmine Tea.png Jasmine Tea
Kale Smoothie.png Kale Smoothie
Panzanella Salad.png Panzanella Salad

Diğer her şey

Kalp Olayları


At any friendship level greater than zero friendship points, you may receive a gift in the mail from Pam. The chance of receiving a gift in the mail increases as your friendship with Pam increases.

Item Description
Battery Pack.png PilBeer.png BiraEnergy Tonic.png Energy Tonic


I found this in a drawer somewhere. Thought you could use it.


Three Hearts

Three Hearts.png

After reaching 3 hearts with Pam, she will send you a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Cheese Cauliflower.png
Cheese Cauliflower

Hey Kid,

Here's the recipe for a little treat my pappy used to make. Cook it slow.


Seven Hearts

Seven Hearts.png

After reaching 7 hearts with Pam, she will send you a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description

Hey Kid,

Here's the recipe for a little treat my pappy used to make. Cook it slow.


Nine Hearts

Nine Hearts.png

Purchase the "Community Upgrade" from the Carpenter's Shop. After earning 9 hearts of friendship with Pam, enter Pam's house at least 4 days after the Community Upgrade is completed.

You find Pam praying before a Sign of the Vessel statue. She confesses that she loves the new house, but hasn't been able to cut back on her drinking. She says she thought the new house would change everything, but it didn't, so she ordered the statue. She then turns to the player for a response.

Pam says she's "getting sappy" in her old age, and the cutscene ends.

Pam becomes angry and asks "What in the void is wrong with you?" before declaring her faith in Yoba and ordering you to leave.



First Meeting

“Hey, kid. The name's Pam. Don't be a jerk and we'll get along fine.”


“You know, I'd eat healthier food if I could afford it. Hey, you probably have a lot of tasty grub growin' on your farm, hm?”
“Hey, you! Don't be snoopin' around the trailer when I'm out. Got it? Sorry, but I gotta be cautious with strangers.”
“I was reading the newspaper this morning but then I got depressed. It's a rotten world, kid. Keep your head screwed on right and you'll make it through in one piece... That's what my Pappy always used to say. Heh heh heh.”
“Times have been tough lately. I got laid off of my job as a bus driver. If I got that job back I could drive you to Calico Desert.”
“My house ain't pretty but at least it's by the river.”
“Hey. Penny's my baby girl. Be nice to her or leave her alone, got it?”
“Penny says I spend too much time at the saloon...”
“You know, I've been thinking... I wish I had a hobby. Something to do other than hanging around at that saloon every night. You got any ideas? ...Ehh. Maybe I'll play checkers against myself.”
“Each day's just the same as the last... If only I'd been born rich...”
“Make sure your boots are clean before you go stompin' around in my house. It's annoying to clean a mess. You should know that by now.”
“I wish a team of elves would come during the night and tidy up my house. Hahahaha.”
“I could sure go for some parsnips.”
“If my legs weren't so stiff I'd visit the mountains every now and then.”

Rainy Days

“Howdy, kid. Stayin' dry?”


“urghh... my head...”
“Blahh... I had one too many caramel porters at the saloon last night... Go away.”

If bus is back in service

“Hey, did you hear about the ol' bus? Yep... I'm back on the saddle, kid... hehe. Feels nice.”
“You don't know how glad I am that the bus is up and running! I feel alive again.”

If Player is married to Penny

“It's awful lonely at home all by myself...”
“Hey. You better be treatin' Penny right on that old farm of yours. She's the only one I got!”
“Penny's the only one I've got, so you best treat her kindly.”

Doctor Visit

“*grumble*... Doctor know-it-all... *grumble*”
“How much do I drink every day? What kind of a question is that?”

House upgrade

“I can't believe you bought me a house! Is there any catch? Sorry, I'm not used to people being so nice...”

If anonymous

“I can't believe someone bought me a house! I wonder if it's some kind of scam? Sorry, I'm not used to people being so nice...”

In Saloon

“Nothin' like a sip o' the good stuff to warm these old bones...”
“Hey, kid. I'd buy you a drink if I could afford it!”
“Hey Gus! Gimme another round! *hic*”
“*Sigh*... Hey, kid. You're too young to be moping around in a place like this.”
“*gulp* ... I've been looking forward to this beverage all afternoon. Heh heh.”
“Oi, Gus! Gimme another pint of your strongest!”
“(Pam isn't responding.)”
“(Pam seems out of it. Better leave her alone right now.)”


“Hi, stranger.”
“Oh, it's [Miss/Mr.] [Player]. Do you need my help or something?”
“Havin' a local farm is good for our town.”
“Maybe if you do real well on your farm it'll boost the local economy. Then everyone will have a job and we'll all be happy, right?”
“Oh, hi there, farmer. I don't often chit-chat with strangers.”
“I always seem to end up at the saloon at some point. It's too close to my house. It ain't healthy.”
“Don't mind that ol' dog next to the house. He might look at you cross, but he'll never get up from that box in a hunderd years. The old boy's name? It's Dusty.”
“Someone's been complainin' about my yard... sayin' it's a mess. Was it you? Hmmm...”

If male

“...Yeah? You're a fine lookin' young man. Why're you wastin' your time talkin' to an old girl like me?”

If female

“You're a pretty gal. What 're you wastin' your time talkin' to someone like me for?”

6+ Hearts

“I had hopes and dreams like you, once... But look at me now. Life doesn't always turn out like you expect. Ah well. There's no sense dwellin' on what you don't have.”


“If I knew you better, I'd be more inclined to chat.”
“I used to be young, once. Hard to believe, huh? Time sure goes fast when you grow up.”
“*Sigh*... I guess I'll be popping a frozen dinner into the microwave tonight.”
“Penny's the only one I've got, so you best treat her kindly.”
“Every day is the same old routine... Do you ever have that problem, farmer?”
“Would you do me a kindness and clean up my house? Just kidding.”
“Don't you have work to do? You should be thankful that you have a job rather than moping around town all the time.”
“I miss my old truck driving job. I used to go all around the valley, meetin' people, listenin' to the radio. Times sure do change.”


“You got any hogs on that farm?”
“Do you want somethin' from me, kid? Best look somewhere else.”
“I just hope Penny has a good life ahead of her. If you ever have kids you'll know how I feel. ...It's so dry in winter. My skin feels like old parchment.”
“Hey kid. What're you up to? I'm just passin' time, same as always.”
“It's awful cold. A visit to the saloon should warm me up, don't you think? Heh heh. Why don't you swing by the saloon later for a taste o' the Oh-Be-Joyful?”
“Penny sure does like old books. I think she's a heck of a lot smarter than I ever was. I'm glad.”
“I oughta take up fishin', seein' as how close the river is.”
“Blah... my front yard's a mess.”

At Ginger Island

“Looks like there's some unique fish swimmin' around. Next time I'll have to bring my pole!”
“Heh... Willy gave us each a piece of his fish jerky on the ride over. Delicious!”
“Now this is comfort! I might even take my shoes off! Better not look too closely at my feet, kid.”
“It's a special occasion, kid... I'm ordering something unique. Make it a double!”

Egg Festival

Odd-numbered year

“Hehe... I put something nice into the punch. Shhh... that's just between you and me, kid.”

Even-numbered year

“Hey... If you're gonna feed me eggs, I'm gonna need some hot sauce, kid!”

Flower Dance

“Now this is the life... Huh, kid? Sweet wine, a babbling brook, warm air... Did I mention wine?”

The Luau

“Heh... free buffet. One of the perks of living here. Enjoy it, kid!”

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

“Don't tell Gus, but I'm a little disappointed there's no buffet tonight.”

Stardew Valley Fair

“Better hurry up, kid... Before ol' Pam here fishes every last lunker out of the tent! Hehe.”

Spirit's Eve

“I'll come to any event with free grub! You won't see me in the haunted maze, though.”

Festival of Ice

“I plan on winning the ice fishing competition! Willy is gonna be pretty hard to beat, though... He does this kinda stuff day and night.”

Feast of the Winter Star

“Hmmph... I'm still upset I didn't win the ice fishing competition.”




  • In v1.3, Pam no longer follows you into the bus when purchasing a ticket to the desert. Instead, she stands in place until the bus cutscene triggers. This may have been done to prevent the rare "disappearing Pam" bug, in which Pam would disappear from the game and never return.


  • 1.3.27: Added 9-heart event. Changed bus stop animation.
  • 1.4: Fixed bug where all recipes would be sent at 3 friendship hearts.
  • 1.5: Added beach portraits.