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Nao (mesaj | katkılar) tarafından oluşturulmuş 00.00, 31 Ocak 2020 tarihli sürüm
Gezinti kısmına atla Arama kısmına atla

Doğum Günü Winter.png Kış 10
Yaşadığı Yer Dağ
Adres Dağ Sokağı, No: 24

Robin Icon.png Robin (Anne)

Maru Icon.png Maru (Üvey Kardeş)

Demetrius Icon.png Demetrius (Üvey Baba)

Evlilik Evet
En Sevdiği Hediyeler Frozen Tear.png Donmuş GözyaşıObsidian.png ObsidyenPumpkin Soup.png Kabak ÇorbasıSashimi.png SaşimiVoid Egg.png Boşluk Yumurtası
Robin building.png
“Hala yapacak çok işim var”
— Robin

Eksik çeviri

Bu makale veya bölüm tamamen Türkçeye çevrilmemiştir. Çevirisine yardımcı olmak için düzenleyerek bekleyin.
En son Nao tarafından 2020-01-31 00:00:21 tarihinde düzenlenmiştir.

“Sebastian, ailesinin evinin bodrum katında yaşayan asi bir yalnızdır. Maru'nun üvey kardeşidir ve kendisi karanlıkta çürürken, kardeşi bütün ilgiyi ve sevgiyi görüyormuş gibi hisseder. Bilgisayar oyunlarına, mizah dergilerine ve bilim kurgu hikayelerine kendisini kaptırmıştır hatta bazen bu hobileri yüzünden odasında uzun zamanlar yalnız kalır. Tanımadığı insanlara karşı kaba olabilir. Çekici yeni çiftçi onun kurak kalbini yeşertebilecek midir? Kim bilir?”
Dev Update #12

Sebastian Pelikan Kasabası'nın kuzeyindeki Dağda yaşayan bir kasabalıdır. Evlenilebilen on iki karakterden biridir.

Sebastian şehrin kuzeyinde, annesi Robin'in marangoz dükkanının bodrum katında yaşar.


Yazın dördüncü günü sağlık ocağında randevusu vardır.

Spring.png Bahar

Pazar-Çarşamba (ve 1. yılın Perşembe günleri)

Saat Konum
9:00 Yatağındadır.
10:30 Yataktan kalkar ve bilgisayarına oturur.
15:00 Bilgisayardan kalkar ve mutfağa gider.
15:40 Mutfaktan çıkar ve bilgisayarına geri döner.
16:10 Bilgisayarındadır.
18:30 Evden çıkar ve sigara içmek için evinin yanındaki göle gider.
19:30 Evinin yanındaki gölün kenarında sigara içer.
21:30 Evine geri döner.

Perşembe günleri (11. ve 25. gün) (Abigail ile arkadaş değillerse)

Saat Konum
9:00 Yatağındadır.
10:00 Yataktan kalkar ve bilgisayarına oturur.
12:00 Odasında, koltuğun önünde durur.
17:30 Mutfağa gitmek için odasından çıkar.
18:30 Bilgisayarındadır.
21:30 Yatağına gider.

Perşembe günleri (2. yıldan itibaren)

Saat Konum
9:00 Yatağındadır.
10:30 Yataktan kalkar ve bilgisayarına oturur.
14:00 Tren istasyonuna gitmek üzere evinden çıkar.
15:00 Tren istasyonunda sigara içer.
18:20 Tren istasyonunun doğusundaki tünelde durur.
20:10 Tren istasyonunun batısındaki tünelde durur.
21:30 Evine doğru yola çıkar.
22:20 Evine varır.


Saat Konum
9:00 Yatağındadır.
10:30 Yataktan kalkar ve bilgisayarına oturur.
15:00 Sam ile bilardo oynamak için Yıldızkaydı Salonu'na gider.
17:20 Yıldızkaydı Salonu'nda Sam ile bilardo oynar.
21:10 Evine gitmek üzere yola çıkar.
22:10 Evine varır.


Saat Konum
9:00 Evinden çıkar ve Sam'in evine gider.
11:30 Haley ve Emily'nin evinin önünde Sam ile beraberdir.
12:30 Sam'i odasına kadar takip eder.
13:00 Sam'in odasındadır.
18:00 Sam ile beraber Sam'in evinden çıkıp göle giderler.
18:20 Sam'in evinin önündeki gölde sigara içer.
19:30 Evine doğru yola çıkar.
21:40 Evine varır.

Yağmurlu gün (opsiyon 1)

Saat Konum
9:00 Yatağındadır.
10:30 Sahil'e gitmek üzere evinden çıkar.
13:30 Balıkçı dükkanının solundaki uzun iskelenin sonunda durur.
17:00 Evine dönmek üzere iskeleyi terkeder.
19:40 Evine varır ve yatağına girer.

Yağmurlu gün (opsiyon 2)

Saat Konum
9:00 Yatağındadır.
10:30 Yatağından kalkar ve bilgisayarına oturur.
15:00 Salona doğru gitmek üzere evinden çıkar.
17:20 Yıldızkaydı Salonu'nda, kırmızı koltuğun yanında durur.
21:10 Evine doğru yola çıkar.
22:10 Evine varır.

Yumurta Festivali

Saat Konum
9:00 Yatağındadır.
10:00 Saat 14:00'e kadar Sam'in evinin önünde durur.
Summer.png Yaz


Time Location
9:00 AM In his bed.
10:30 AM Gets out of bed and moves to his computer.
3:00 PM Leaves his computer and goes to the kitchen.
3:40 PM Leaves the kitchen to go back to his room.
4:10 PM On his computer.
6:30 PM Leaves home and walks to lake next to his house to smoke.
7:30 PM Smoking by the lake next to his house.
9:30 PM Goes back to his house.


Time Location
9:00 AM In his bed.
10:30 AM Gets out of bed and moves to his computer.
2:00 PM Leaves home.
3:00 PM Arrives at the Railroad crossing sign.
6:00 PM Moves to the east Railroad tunnel.
7:30 PM Moves to the west Railroad tunnel.
9:30 PM Leaves for home.
10:20 PM Arrives home.

Thursday the 4th

Time Location
9:00 AM In his room, by bookcase.
10:00 AM Leaving house to go to the clinic.
11:50 AM In the the clinic's waiting room.
1:40 PM In the the clinic's examination room.
4:00 PM Heads home.
6:00 PM Arrives at his room and goes to bed.


Time Location
9:00 AM In his bed.
10:30 AM Gets out of bed and moves to his computer.
3:00 PM Leaves his room to go play pool with Sam at the Saloon.
5:20 PM In the Saloon, playing pool with Sam.
9:10 PM Heads home.
11:10 PM Arrives home.


Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves house to go to Sam's house.
11:30 AM In front of Haley and Emily's house with Sam.
12:30 PM Follows Sam to his room.
1:00 PM In Sam's room.
6:00 PM Leaves Sam's house and goes to the river with Sam.
6:20 PM Smoking by the river outside Sam's house with Sam.
7:30 PM Going home from in front of Sam's house.
9:40 PM Arrives home.

Rainy day (option 1)

Time Location
9:00 AM In his bed.
10:30 AM Gets out of bed and leaves house to go to the beach.
1:30 PM Standing at the end of long pier to the left of fish shop.
5:00 PM Leaves the pier to go home.
7:40 PM Arrives home and goes to bed.

Rainy day (option 2)

Time Location
9:00 AM In his bed.
10:30 AM Gets out of bed and moves to his computer.
3:00 PM Leaving house to go to the Saloon.
5:20 PM At the Stardrop Saloon, standing by red sofa in arcade.
9:10 PM Heads home.
11:10 PM Arrives home.
Fall.png Güz
Leaves room more than he did in the Spring and Summer


Time Location
9:00 AM In his bed.
10:30 AM Gets out of bed and moves to his computer.
12:00 PM Leaves home and walks to lake next to his house. Doesn't return home until after 2:00 AM.


Time Location
9:00 AM In his bed.
10:30 AM Gets out of bed and moves to his computer.
2:00 PM Leaving home to go smoke by train station.
3:00 PM Smoking by the train station.
6:20 PM Standing east of train station, by tunnel.
8:10 PM Standing west of train station, by tunnel.
9:30 PM Heads home.
10:20 PM Arrives home.

Thursday (11th) *When not good friends with Abigail

Time Location
9:00 AM In his bed.
10:00 AM Gets out of bed and moves to his computer.
12:00 PM In his room, standing by couch.
5:10 PM Leaving his room to go to the kitchen.
6:00 PM Leaves the kitchen to go back to his room.
6:30 PM On his computer.
9:30 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location
9:00 AM In his bed.
10:30 AM Gets out of bed and moves to his computer.
3:00 PM Leaves his room to go play pool with Sam at the Saloon.
5:20 PM In the Stardrop Saloon, playing pool with Sam.
9:10 PM Heads home.
11:10 PM Arrives home.


Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves house to go to Sam's house.
11:30 AM In front of Haley and Emily's house with Sam.
12:30 PM Follows Sam to Sam's room.
1:00 PM In Sam's room.
6:00 PM Leaves Sam's house and goes to the river with Sam.
6:20 PM Smoking by the river outside Sam's house with Sam.
7:30 PM Going home from in front of Sam's house.
9:40 PM Arrives home.


Time Location
9:00 AM In his bed.
10:30 AM Gets out of bed and moves to his computer.
12:00 PM Leaves home and walks to lake next to his house.
1:00 PM Standing by the lake next to his house.
2:00 AM Still at the lake...

Rainy day (option 1)

Time Location
9:00 AM In his bed.
10:30 AM Gets out of bed and leaves house to go to the beach.
1:30 PM Standing at the end of long pier to the left of fish shop.
5:00 PM Leaves the pier to go home.
7:40 PM Arrives home and goes to bed.

Rainy day (option 2)

Time Location
9:00 AM In his bed.
10:30 AM Gets out of bed and moves to his computer.
3:00 PM Leaving house to go to the Saloon.
5:20 PM At the Stardrop Saloon, standing by red sofa in arcade.
9:10 PM Heads home.
11:10 PM Arrives home.
Winter.png Kış

Sunday - Wednesday

Time Location
10:30 AM Wakes up and goes to his computer
3:00 PM Leaves room and goes to kitchen
3:40 PM Goes back to room and returns to his computer
6:30 PM Leaves his home and goes to the river east of his house to smoke
9:30 PM Returns home for the night


Time Location
10:30 AM Wakes up and gets on his computer
2:00 PM Leaves his home and goes to the railroad north of his house to smoke
6:00 PM Stands at the east tunnel of the railroad
7:30 PM Stands at the west tunnel of the railroad
9:30 PM Returns home for the night


Time Location
10:30 AM Wakes up and gets on his computer
3:00 PM Leaves home and goes to The Stardrop Saloon, hanging out with Sam at the pool table for the evening
9:00 PM Leaves the Saloon and heads back home


Time Location
9:00 AM Wakes up and goes over to Sam's house where they meet outside, south-east of Sam's home
12:30 PM Sebastian and Sam go inside of Sam's house and into his room to hang out
6:00 PM Sebastian and Sam leave and stand by the lake outside of Sam's house while Sebastian smokes
7:30 PM Leaves Sam's house and goes home
9:50 PM Arrives home
Mermaid's Pendant.png Evlilik


Time Location
6:00 AM At home.
9:00 AM Leaves to go to the mountain
9:30 AM Walks through the town square
10:30 PM Arrives at his old spot by the mountain lake.
12:30 PM (approx.) Leaves to go visit Robin.
5:20 PM Leaves the mountain and heads home.
7:20 PM Arrives home.


Time Location
6:00 AM At home.
9:00 AM Leaves to go the beach.
11:00 AM Standing at the end of the long pier to the left of the fish shop.
3:00 PM Leaves to go to The Stardrop Saloon.
4:30 PM Arrives at the saloon, playing at the pool table with Sam.
9:30 PM Leaves to go home.
10:50 PM Arrives home.


Time Location
6:00 AM At home, working on his motorcycle behind the farmhouse.


Sebastian lives with his mother, Robin, along with his step-dad Demetrius and half-sister Maru. Robin sometimes calls him Sebby. He feels that Maru is treated better than he is, and during Winter will talk about building a snow-goon that Demetrius demands he removes; he will then angrily question what his step-father's problem is.

Sebastian is good friends with Sam; the two can be found hanging out at Sam's house or at The Stardrop Saloon playing pool. They also stand together at festivals, along with Abigail. It is hinted he may have a crush on Abigail, after Sam tells the player Sebastian really wanted Abigail to be their drummer "for some reason". Furthermore, if married to Maru, she may sometimes say she "wishes her brother would just ask Abigail out".

During the Flower Dance, if not dancing with the player, Sebastian dances with Abigail.


Ana makale: Arkadaşlık
Ayrıca bakınız: Tüm hediyelerin listesi

Kasabalılara haftada en fazla iki (doğum günü dahilinde üç) hediye verebilirsin, hediyeye göre sizinle olan arkadaşlığınızı çoğaltacak ya da azaltacak. Doğum gününde (Winter.png 10 Kış) verilen hediyeler ×8 etkiye sahip olacak ve benzersiz bir diyalog gösterecektir.
Hoşlandığı bir hediye için bunlardan birini diyecektir;

“Doğum günümü unutmadın mı? Etkilendim doğrusu. Teşekkürler.”
“Ah, bugün doğum günüm müymüş? Öyleymiş. Teşekkürler. Bu çok hoş.”

Nötr hediyeler için bunu diyecektir;

“Doğum günüm için mi? Teşekkürler.”

Hoşlanmadığı ya da nefret ettiği hediye için bunu diyecektir;

“Doğum günümde bana bunu mu veriyorsun? Bu bir çeşit şaka mı?”


“Bunu gerçekten beğendim. Nasıl bildin?”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Sebastian Happy.png
Frozen Tear.png
Frozen Tear Yeti'nin donmuş gözyaşı olduğu düşünülen kristal. Minerals - The Mines
Obsidian Lavların çabuk soğumasıyla oluşan püskürük cam. Magma Geode.png Yanık JeotOmni Geode.png Bütünjeot
Pumpkin Soup.png
Pumpkin Soup Mevsimin en iyisi. Cooking Pumpkin.png Balkabağı (1)Milk.png Süt (1)
Sashimi İnce ince dilimlenmiş çiğ balık. Cooking Fish.png Balık (1)
Void Egg.png
Void Egg Kırmızı lekeleri olan siyah bir yumurta. Dokununca sıcak olduğu görülüyor. Void Chicken


“Teşekkürler, hediyeyi beğendim.”
Image Name Description Source
Sebastian Smile.png
Quartz Mağara ve madenlerde yaygın olarak bulunan belirgin bir kristal. Foraging - The Mines


Image Name Description Source


Image Name Description Source
Sebastian Concerned.png
Chanterelle Kokusu meyveleri, tadı ise biberi andıran lezzetli bir mantar. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom.png
Common Mushroom Güzel görünen lezzetli bir mantar. Foraging - Fall
Daffodil Hediye olarak sunulabilen bilindik bir bahar çiçeği. Foraging - Spring
Dandelion En güzel çiçek değildir ama yapraklarından çok iyi salata yapılır. Foraging - Spring
Hazelnut Bu bayağı büyük bir fındıkmış! Foraging - Fall
Holly Yaprakları ve parlak kırmızı meyvesiyle kışın ünlü süslerindendir. Foraging - Winter
Leek Soğanın lezzetli akrabası. Foraging - Spring
Morel Cevizi andıran eşsiz tadıyla bilinir. Foraging - Spring
Purple Mushroom.png
Purple Mushroom Mağaraların derinliklerinde nadir olarak bulunan mantar türü. Foraging - The Mines
Salmonberry Ormanın lezzetini barındıran bir bahar meyvesi. Foraging - Spring
Snow Yam.png
Snow Yam Karın altında gizlenen ufak bir patates. Foraging - Winter
Wild Horseradish.png
Wild Horseradish Baharda bulunan acılı bir kök. Foraging - Spring
Winter Root.png
Winter Root Nişastalı bir yumru. Foraging - Winter


“...Bundan nefret ediyorum.”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Sebastian Annoyed.png
Clay Nesne ve yapı oluşturmada kullanılır. Tilling
Complete Breakfast.png
Complete Breakfast İnsanı yüklenmeye hazır hale getirir! Cooking Fried Egg.png Sahanda Yumurta (1)Milk.png Süt (1)Hashbrowns.png Mücver (1)Pancakes.png Gözleme (1)
Farmer's Lunch.png
Farmer's Lunch İnsanı ayakta tutmaya yeter. Cooking Omelet.png Omlet (1)Parsnip.png Yaban Havucu (1)
Omelet Aşırı yumuşak. Cooking Egg.png Yumurta (1)Milk.png Süt (1)

Heart Events

Two Hearts

Two Hearts.png

Enter Sebastian's room when he's there.

You find Sebastian working on his computer. When he finishes, he mentions that he's a programmer and is working on a project for a client. There's a notification on his computer, and Sebastian explains that it's Sam asking to hang out, but he would rather not go out. Robin enters his room moments later, telling him that Abigail was looking for him and will stop by later. Sebastian asks whether Robin told her that he was working, and Robin says yes, but Abigail decided that she would probably stop by anyway. Robin leaves the room, and Sebastian expresses his irritation that nobody takes his job seriously.

Four Hearts

Four Hearts.png

Go to The Mountain between 11am and 5pm.

You see Sebastian working on a motorcycle in the garage at his house. He explains that it belongs to him and sometimes he goes for long rides alone far away from Stardew Valley. He suggests the possibility of you one day taking a ride with him, to which you agree or disagree.

Six Hearts

Six Hearts.png

Enter Sebastian's room when he's there.

Sebastian greets you, and invites you to play Solarion Chronicles: The Game with him. You play through a scenario, for which you'll be given a score between A and D. You're given a choice of archetype:
  • "Warrior. I like a direct approach." (arkadaşlık etkisi yok)
  • "Healer. I prefer to help others." (arkadaşlık etkisi yok)
  • "Wizard. A sharp mind is the most powerful blade of all." (arkadaşlık etkisi yok)

The classes don't affect friendship, and you can achieve a perfect score with any class:

  1. Go through the front door.
  2. Attack and then shield from the skeleton.
  3. Go through the left hallway glowing with a green light.
  4. Destroy the capsules.
  5. During the final battle:
    • Warrior: defend your friends while the wizard is mumbling an incantation. You will be able to attack the boss, and the scenario ends.
    • Healer: heal Sebastian's wizard. Sebastian is grateful and he defeats the boss.
    • Wizard: use shield block while the enemy is mumbling an incantation. The enemy wizard shoots a beam at Sebastian, but your shield block reflects it and hits the enemy in the face, killing it.

Eight Hearts

Eight Hearts.png

Go to the beach on a rainy day between noon and 11pm.

Sebastian is standing on the boardwalk. He's surprised to see you outside in the rain. He says he's anxious around other people, but he doesn't feel that way when he's with you. He takes out an umbrella and motions you to stand under it with him.

Sebastian Eight Heart Event.png

Bug: After the cutscene, the rain won't make a sound anymore until you leave the beach.

Ten Hearts

Ten Hearts.png

Go to The Mountain between 8pm and midnight.

Sebastian is outside his house. He says he was about to go for a ride on his motorcycle. You join him for a ride, and he brings you to a place he often goes by himself to think about his life while enjoying a view of the city.

If your character is female, he mentions that he doesn't normally bring girls to this place. Otherwise, he admits that he's never felt this way about other guys, but that you're different.

He pulls on his cigarette a few times, and then asks what you think of the city. You have four options, one of which is telling him to quit smoking. Choosing this one causes Sebastian to be briefly annoyed; he says you sound like his mom, then admits that it's a bad habit and he'll try to stop.

He confesses his true feelings for you, and you embrace under the full moon.

Sebastian Ten Heart Event 1.jpg

Group Ten-Heart Event

Ten Hearts.png Bouquet


Ana makale: Marriage

Once married, Sebastian will move into the farmhouse. Like other marriage candidates, he will add his own room to the right of the bedroom. He'll also set up a small area behind the farmhouse for his motorcycle, and sometimes go there to work on it.

On mornings when Sebastian stays inside the farmhouse all day, he may offer you Coffee. On rainy days, he may offer you a gift he found in "the caves": Obsidian, Void Essence, Bat Wing, Frozen Tear, Amethyst, or Cave Carrot. On New Years Eve (Winter 28), he'll give you a Beer to celebrate the new year.




  • In Sebastian's bedroom there's a poster of a character that resembles a Harvest Moon protagonist.
  • Even if you've already given Sebastian the Bouquet, and the social Tab shows him as "Boyfriend", it might occur that he asks you if you are single.
  • On Fridays, Robin might say "I found an ashtray in Sebastian's room, and it smelled really weird. Should I be worried about this?". This could be a hint to Sebastian smoking pot in his room.


Sebastian's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Sebastian's style changed over the years before the game was launched.

Sebastian Timeline.png


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: Added motorcycle area behind farmhouse if married.
  • 1.3: Added group 10-heart event.