"Shane" sayfasının sürümleri arasındaki fark

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505. satır: 505. satır:
| colspan="3" | <ul><li>'''All [[Friendship#Universal Likes|Universal Likes]]''' ''([[Jellies and Pickles|Turşu]] hariç)''</li><li>'''bütün yumurtalar''' ''( [[Void yumurtası]] hariç)*''</li><li>'''All [[Fruits|meyveler]]''' ''([[Acı biber]] hariç)''</li></ul>
| colspan="3" | <ul><li>'''All [[Friendship#Universal Likes|Universal Likes]]''' ''([[Jellies and Pickles|Turşu]] hariç)''</li><li>'''bütün yumurtalar''' ''( [[Void yumurtası]] hariç)*''</li><li>'''All [[Fruits|meyveler]]''' ''([[Acı biber]] hariç)''</li></ul>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>''Not  [[Dinazor yumurtası]] hediye amaçlı yumurta değil  [[Yapay Nesneler]] olarak kabul edilir.''
<nowiki>*</nowiki>''Not  [[Dinozor yumurtası]] hediye amaçlı yumurta değil  [[Yapay Nesneler]] olarak kabul edilir.''

15.57, 23 Ağustos 2019 tarihindeki hâli


Doğum Günü Spring.png Bahar 20
Yaşadığı Yer Kömürözü Ormanı
Adres Marnie'nin Çiftliği

Marnie Icon.png Marnie (Teyze)

Jas Icon.png Jas (Vaftiz Kızı)

Evlilik Evet
En Sevdiği Hediyeler Beer.png BiraHot Pepper.png Acı BiberPepper Poppers.png Patlangaç BiberPizza.png Pizza
Robin building.png
“Hala yapacak çok işim var”
— Robin

Eksik çeviri

Bu makale veya bölüm tamamen Türkçeye çevrilmemiştir. Çevirisine yardımcı olmak için düzenleyerek bekleyin.
En son MegaLMA tarafından 2019-08-23 15:57:42 tarihinde düzenlenmiştir.

“Odamı Marnie'den uygun fiyata kiralıyorum. Küçük ama şikayet edemem. Hayatımı başa sarabilseydim bir tavuk çiftliği açardım. Yumurtalarda yüksek kalite olurdu tabii.”
— Shane

Shane 'Pelikan Kasabası' daki bir kasabalı 'dır genellikle kaba ve mutsuz olan, depresyon ve alkol bağımlılığı çeken bir kişidir. Ancak, tavrı, onunla arkadaş olmayı seçen herhangi bir oyuncuya doğru değişmeye başlar. Sabah saat 09:00 ile 17:00 arasında en çok JojaMart 'da bulunur ve işten sonra sık sık akşamlarını yıldızkaydı salonu' da geçirir. Yağmurlu günler hariç haftasonları çalışmaz ve sık sık Marnie'nin Çiftliği civarındadır.

Sosyal Durum menüsünde, Shane'in kıyafeti JojaMart 'daki işindeyken Joja Corporation üniformasına dönüşecek. evlenme için mevcut on iki karakterden biri.


Eğer yağmur yağıyorsa, Toplum Merkezi tamamlanmadığı takdirde Shane cumartesi veya pazar günü JojaMart 'da çalışmaya gidecektir. Ayrıca Topluluk Merkezini tamamladıktan bir gün önceye kadar JojaMart'ta çalışmaya devam eder. onun dışında, akşamları genellikle yıldızkaydı salonu 'nda bulunur.

Spring.png Bahar

Monday - Friday (Community Center Not Restored)
Raining (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
7:10 AM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to JojaMart.
5:00 PM Leaves JojaMart and heads for the Stardrop Saloon.
11:10 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Sunday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
All Day Standing in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.

Monday - Friday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
11:00 AM Leaves the kitchen and returns to his room.
12:00 PM Leaves his room and stands by the fireplace at Marnie's Ranch.
2:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.
Summer.png Yaz

Monday - Friday (Community Center Not Restored)
Raining (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
7:10 AM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to JojaMart.
5:00 PM Leaves JojaMart and heads for the Stardrop Saloon.
11:10 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Sunday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
12:30 PM In kitchen at Marnie's Ranch
12:00 AM Goes to bed

Monday - Friday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
11:00 AM Leaves the kitchen and returns to his room.
12:00 PM Leaves his room and stands by the fireplace at Marnie's Ranch.
2:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.
Fall.png Güz

Monday - Friday (Community Center Not Restored)
Raining (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
7:10 AM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to JojaMart.
5:00 PM Leaves JojaMart and heads for the Stardrop Saloon.
11:10 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Sunday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 AM Leaves the kitchen and goes to bed

Monday - Friday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
11:00 AM Leaves the kitchen and returns to his room.
12:00 PM Leaves his room and stands by the fireplace at Marnie's Ranch.
2:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.
Winter.png Kış

Winter 15
Although Shane is supposed to attend the Night Market, there is a bug in v1.3.32 which prevents him from attending. Instead, he stays inside Marnie's Ranch all day. If JojaMart is still open, he will not attend work that day.

Monday - Friday (Community Center Not Restored)
Raining (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
7:10 AM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to JojaMart.
5:00 PM Leaves JojaMart and heads for the Stardrop Saloon.
11:10 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Standing in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads for Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Sunday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Standing in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
2:00 AM Still standing in kitchen...

Monday - Friday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
11:00 AM Leaves the kitchen and returns to his room.
12:00 PM Leaves his room and stands by the fireplace at Marnie's Ranch.
2:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.
Mermaid's Pendant.png Evlilik
If the community center is restored, Shane doesn't leave The Farm except on Monday and Friday. On Saturday mornings he spends time next to his chicken coop behind the farmhouse.


Time Location
6:00 AM At home.
9:30 AM Starts leaving home.
10:30 AM Arrives at Marnie's Ranch.
11:30 AM Leaves Marnie's Ranch.
11:50 AM Stands under big tree, north in Cindersap Forest.
05:00 PM Leaves big tree and heads home.
07:30 PM Arrives at home.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location
6:00 AM At home.
8:30 AM Leaves home and heads for the river in Pelican Town.
10:00 AM Standing by river.
1:00 PM Leaves the river and heads to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
10:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back home.


Shane,vaftiz kızı Jas ve teyzesi Marnie ile birlikte yaşıyor. JojaMart 'da çalışıyor (Topluluk Merkezi tamamlanmadıysa) Morris onun patronudur.

Not: Shane'in Jas ile ilişkisi oyunda sadece bir yerde ortaya çıkıyor: o da Jas'tan sadece Pazar günü çıkan nadir bir diyalog penceresiyle.


Ana makale: Arkadaşlık
Ayrıca bakınız: Tüm hediyelerin listesi

Kasabalılara haftada en fazla iki (doğum günü dahilinde üç) hediye verebilirsin, hediyeye göre sizinle olan arkadaşlığınızı çoğaltacak ya da azaltacak. Doğum gününde (Spring.png 20 Bahar) verilen hediyeler ×8 etkiye sahip olacak ve benzersiz bir diyalog gösterecektir.
Hoşlandığı bir hediye için bunlardan birini diyecektir;

“Doğum günümü unutmadın mı? Etkilendim doğrusu. Teşekkürler.”
“Ah, bugün doğum günüm müymüş? Öyleymiş. Teşekkürler. Bu çok hoş.”

Nötr hediyeler için bunu diyecektir;

“Doğum günüm için mi? Teşekkürler.”

Hoşlanmadığı ya da nefret ettiği hediye için bunu diyecektir;

“Doğum günümde bana bunu mu veriyorsun? Bu bir çeşit şaka mı?”


“Vay anasını be, (İsim)! En sevdiğim şeyin bu olduğunu nereden bildin?”
Image İsim Açıklama Kaynak Malzemeler
Shane Happy.png
bira Kararında içilmeli. Fıçı, Yıldızkaydı salonu Wheat.png Buğday
Hot Pepper.png
Acı biber Tatlı gibi dursa da insanı yakacak kadar acıdır. Çiftçilik - Yaz
Pepper Poppers.png
Patlangaçlı biber Kesilmiş acı biberler peynirle doldurulmuş. Aşçılık Hot Pepper.png Acı Biber (1)Cheese.png Peynir (1)
Pizza Ünlü olmasının bir sebebi var. Aşçılık, yıldızkaydı salonu Wheat Flour.png Buğday Unu (1)Tomato.png Domates (1)Cheese.png Peynir (1)


“Mükemmel! Teşekkürler!”
Image İsim Açıklama Kaynak
Shane Pleased.png

*Not Dinozor yumurtası hediye amaçlı yumurta değil Yapay Nesneler olarak kabul edilir.


“Ah, benim için mi? Teşekkürler!”
Image Name Description Source
Shane Neutral.png


“Bunu sevmiyorum.”
Image Name Description Source
Shane Concerned.png
Chanterelle Kokusu meyveleri, tadı ise biberi andıran lezzetli bir mantar. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom.png
Common Mushroom Güzel görünen lezzetli bir mantar. Foraging - Fall
Daffodil Hediye olarak sunulabilen bilindik bir bahar çiçeği. Foraging - Spring
Dandelion En güzel çiçek değildir ama yapraklarından çok iyi salata yapılır. Foraging - Spring
Hazelnut Bu bayağı büyük bir fındıkmış! Foraging - Fall
Holly Yaprakları ve parlak kırmızı meyvesiyle kışın ünlü süslerindendir. Foraging - Winter
Leek Soğanın lezzetli akrabası. Foraging - Spring
Morel Cevizi andıran eşsiz tadıyla bilinir. Foraging - Spring
Purple Mushroom.png
Purple Mushroom Mağaraların derinliklerinde nadir olarak bulunan mantar türü. Foraging - The Mines
Seaweed Yemek pişirmede kullanılabilir. Fishing
Snow Yam.png
Snow Yam Karın altında gizlenen ufak bir patates. Foraging - Winter
Wild Horseradish.png
Wild Horseradish Baharda bulunan acılı bir kök. Foraging - Spring
Winter Root.png
Winter Root Nişastalı bir yumru. Foraging - Winter


“Çöplerini neden bana kilitlemeye çalışıyorsun?”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Shane Annoyed.png
Pickles Ev yapımı turşu kavanozu. Preserves Jar Any vegetable (1)
Quartz Mağara ve madenlerde yaygın olarak bulunan belirgin bir kristal. Foraging - The Mines

Heart Events


At any friendship level greater than zero friendship points, you may receive a gift in the mail from Shane. The chance of receiving a gift in the mail increases as your friendship with Shane increases.

Item Description
Pizza.png PizzaPepper Poppers.png Patlangaç Biber Hey,

I thought it would be fun to send you a letter. I don't really know what to write, though.

Here, I've enclosed a treat for you. Don't tell anyone, but I snagged this from the back room of JojaMart ages ago.

Okay, see you soon.


Two Hearts

Two Hearts.png

Enter Cindersap Forest between 8pm and midnight.

Shane shares a beer with the player, on the dock of the small lake, and describes his depression. He expresses optimism for the player's future and warns against drinking heavily.

The player ends the event with the "Tipsy" condition.

Three Hearts

Three Hearts.png

After reaching 3 hearts with Shane, he will send you two recipes in the mail. He will also become slightly less rude to you during dialogues.

Image Recipe Description
Strange Bun.png
Strange Bun I found this recipe in a magazine and I thought it sounded interesting. Feel free to give me a taste if you make it. hehe.
- Shane
Pepper Poppers.png
Pepper Poppers

Four Hearts

After reaching four hearts with Shane, his dialogues with you will become more friendly.

Four Hearts.png

Enter Marnie's Ranch at any time.

Shane is found passed out in his room, surrounded by empty beer cans. Marnie asks you to do something, so you use your watering can on his head to wake him up. Marnie remarks that all he does is mope around and drink beer. When Marnie asks him what his plans for the future are, Shane says that he hopes he "won't be around long enough to need a plan." Jas overhears and runs away crying; Marnie follows her while Shane looks at the ground and murmurs an apology.

Shane 4 Hearts.png

Six Hearts

Six Hearts.png

Enter Cindersap Forest between 9 am and 8 pm while storming or raining.

Shane is laying face down at the edge of the cliffs, again surrounded by beer. He tells you that he's miserable and asks you why he shouldn't just roll off the cliff. You can respond in four different ways:
  • "Because there's so much to live for!" (arkadaşlık etkisi yok) "Maybe for you, but not for me! You're not going to understand... Just... go away. ...Ugh..."
  • "Jas needs you. You're like a father to her." (arkadaşlık etkisi yok) "...You're right. Jas... Ugh, God... I'm a horrible, *hic*... selfish person. Now I feel even worse..."
  • "It would be a sin." (arkadaşlık etkisi yok) "Yoba...? (Player), don't you know I'm an athiest? Ugh..."
  • "The decision is your own. Just know that I'm here for you." (arkadaşlık etkisi yok) "Thanks... I appreciate that... I really do."

Shane 6 Hearts 1.png Shane 6 Hearts 2.png

Regardless of your choice, you take him to the hospital. Harvey treats his physical ailments but is more concerned about Shane's mental health. He tells you that he's going to recommend Shane to a counselor in Zuzu City once he wakes up.

The next day, Shane will arrive at your farm to tell you that he intends to go to counselling. He also apologizes for the incident at the cliffs, to which you can respond in three different ways:

  • "I'm glad I was there to help." (+10 arkadaşlık) "...Yeah, me too."
  • "You needed a serious wake-up call." (-10 arkadaşlık) "I know... That's why I stopped by, to tell you about it."
  • "I'm just happy you're still here." (+10 arkadaşlık) "Wow, it was that serious, huh? I can hardly remember..."

Seven Hearts I

Seven Hearts.png

Enter Marnie's Ranch while Shane is home after triggering Shane's six heart event.

Shane enters the ranch, where Marnie is standing behind the counter. He tells her that he's been feeling happier than usual. Jokingly, she asks if there was a sale on beer. Though slightly annoyed, he responds by saying he's started drinking sparkling water instead. He then says that he's realized that he has people that he can rely on and that doing so doesn't make him weak. He walks over to Jas, who is in the kitchen, and gives her a present. She opens it to find a pair of expensive shoes that she had wanted. When she asks Shane how he could afford it, he replies that it's because he cut back on his expensive habit of drinking beer.

Seven Hearts II

Seven Hearts.png

Enter the town between 10am and 4pm on a sunny day. (Also requires 2 hearts with both Emily and Clint.)

You will find Shane filming a scene starring Emily and Clint. Shane will explain to you that Joja is holding a contest to create an advertisement for the newest Joja Cola, and the winner gets data-sort-value="10000">Gold.png10.000g. He will ask you to walk behind Clint and Emily as they act so the scene feels more natural. When it's over, he will thank you for helping him.

* This event was Shane's six heart event before update 1.1.

Eight Hearts

Eight Hearts.png

Enter Marnie's Ranch while Shane is home.

When you enter the ranch, Jas leads you through the door in the kitchen that is normally locked. Inside, Shane is painting a sign that says "Fresh Eggs." He's surrounded by his flock of special blue chickens and his favorite white chicken, Charlie. Once he finishes painting the sign, he picks up Charlie and briefly talks to her about his ambitions and his struggles. When you and Jas enter the room, Shane talks to you a bit about how he is trying to pass on the chicken knowledge to Jas so she can continue the tradition if he ever moves out.

Shane 8 Hearts.png

After seeing this event, each chicken that the player purchases from Marnie and each egg that hatches in the incubator now has a 1/4 chance of being blue. Aside from appearance, the blue chickens are identical to white chickens.

Ten Hearts

Ten Hearts.png

Exit your house before 6:30am to initiate the event, then walk to the Bus Stop between 4pm and 6pm.

Shane invites you to go see the Zuzu City Tunnelers (a gridball team) play in their stadium in Zuzu City. You take a bus into the city together and the scene changes to a grimy stadium with you and Shane in the stands. While cheering on the Tunnelers, Shane thanks you for sticking with him through his struggle with depression and anxiety. He then asks you what you think of your first gridball game:
  • "Noisy... It makes me appreciate how peaceful it is back home." (arkadaşlık etkisi yok) "Oh yeah? I guess that makes sense. Me? I get bored with Pelican Town sometimes. But... I like that you're different. We balance each other out."
  • "Fun... Pelican Town seems really boring in comparison." (arkadaşlık etkisi yok) "Oh really? I'm surprised... Didn't you move to Stardew Valley to escape the noise of the city? I mean... Don't get me wrong, I totally understand. My life in Pelican Town is pretty bland, you know."

His attention returns to the game when the Tunnelers make a play and score a goal. In a moment of excitement, Shane gives you a kiss, but then he feels embarrassed by it and apologizes for getting carried away. After a pause, you reply with a kiss and allay his fears. The scene fades out and Shane briefly reflects on the evening.

Group Ten-Heart Event

Ten Hearts.png Bouquet


Ana makale: Marriage

Once married, Shane will move into the farmhouse. Like other marriage candidates, he will add his own room to the right of the bedroom. He'll also set up a small chicken coop behind the farmhouse, where he'll sometimes go to visit with his chicken "Charlie".

On rainy days, Shane may offer you Beer, Large Egg, Pale Ale, Void Egg, or Pepper Poppers. On days when Shane stays inside the farmhouse all day, he may offer you Omelet, Pepper Poppers, or Pizza.




Shane's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Shane's style changed over the years before the game was launched.

Shane Timeline.png


  • Judging by the 'Mega Station' console in Shane's bedroom, he is a gamer. Additionally, it is hooked up to a 'Code Sultan XL'.
  • During Shane's second seven heart event, Clint says that "Joja Cola has three times the sorbitol for a thick, sweet, blast." The joke is that sorbitol is a thick, slightly sweet substance that when consumed in large quantities can cause gastrointestinal distress, with symptoms such as gas and diarrhea (both of which could be considered a "blast.")


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: Added ability to marry, updated heart events, dialogue and schedule. Added a private room for him at Marnie's Ranch.
  • 1.2: Changed 6-heart event dialogue response.
  • 1.3: Added group 10-heart event.