
değişiklik özeti yok
237. satır: 237. satır:  
::Okay, thank you so much! As you said, yeah, I think it's not a big problem.
::Okay, thank you so much! As you said, yeah, I think it's not a big problem.
== Translation Suggestions for the Home Page and Other Things ==
== Translation Suggestions for the Home Page and Some Other Things ==
Hello, I reviewed the home page and some other pages a bit and thought these translations would be better.
Hello, I reviewed the home page and some other pages a bit and thought these translations would be better.
* The first text, "Welcome to the official Stardew Valley Wiki" is translated as "Resmi Stardew Valley Wiki'sine hoş geldin". "Wiki" can be translated as "Viki" in Turkish and the text can be re-translated as "Resmi Stardew Valley Vikisine hoş geldin". But, of course, if you the one matters here is the wiki's official name, Stardew Valley Wiki, it can stay as the same.
* The first text, "Welcome to the official Stardew Valley Wiki" is translated as "Resmi Stardew Valley Wiki'sine hoş geldin". "Wiki" can be translated as "Viki" in Turkish and the text can be re-translated as "Resmi Stardew Valley Vikisine hoş geldin". But, of course, if you the one matters here is the wiki's official name, Stardew Valley Wiki, it can stay as the same.
* On the "versions" area, there are different platforms' latest update dates. The date format can be changed as (example), "(Güncellendi: 20 Şubat 2023)", instead of "(Güncellendi 20 Şubat 2023)". But I take a look on the English wiki again and as I see, there is no comma or anything between the "Updated" and the date. So again, if you want it to stay as it's now, it wouldn't be such a problem.
* On the "versions" area, there are different platforms' latest update dates. The date format can be changed as (example), "(Güncellendi: 20 Şubat 2023)", instead of "(Güncellendi 20 Şubat 2023)". But I take a look on the English wiki again and as I see, there is no comma or anything between the "Updated" and the date. So again, if you want it to stay as it's now, it wouldn't be such a problem.
* On the "resources" area, the name of the "Stardew Profits" can be changed from "Stardew Karları" to "Stardew Kârları" (with a diacritical "a"), because "kar" and "kâr" are different things.
* On the "resources" area, the name of the "Stardew Profits" can be changed from "Stardew Karları" to "Stardew Kârları" (with a diacritical "a"), because "kar" and "kâr" are different things.
* According to the dictionary, "öğe" is just a wrong usage for the word "öge". [[Yem_(öğe)]] page can be moved to [[Yem_(öge)]]. I also changed other pages that contain the wrong word in it.
* According to the dictionary, "öğe" is just a wrong usage for the word "öge". [[Yem_(öğe)]] page can be moved to [[Yem_(öge)]]. I'm planning to change other pages that contain the wrong word in it, but I'll wait until you response. If this suggestion gets approved, maybe we can also create a redirect page in [[Yem_(öğe)]] to send users to [[Yem_(öge)]].
Thank you!
[[Kullanıcı:Peaw|Peaw]] ([[Kullanıcı mesaj:Peaw|mesaj]]) 18.59, 1 Mart 2023 (UTC)
[[Kullanıcı:Peaw|Peaw]] ([[Kullanıcı mesaj:Peaw|mesaj]]) 18.59, 1 Mart 2023 (UTC)
