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Hello Margotbean. I hope life is going well! Again, we are faced with a translation problem. Clara, Evelyn and George's last name translated into Turkish in two forms; "Mullner" and "Muller". The surname "Muller" was used in Content/Characters/Dialogue/ ("event_mail2:"). The surname Mullner was used in Content/Data/ ("5:", "12:") and Content/Data/Events/ ("34/f Penny 500/t 900 1400/w sunny:"). Normally name and surname are not translated into Turkish (so it has to be). That's why I think Mullner is more appropriate but I wanted to ask you anyway. [[Kullanıcı:Syammu12|Syammu12]] ([[Kullanıcı mesaj:Syammu12|mesaj]]) 11:27, 7 Mayıs 2023
Hello Margotbean. I hope life is going well! Again, we are faced with a translation problem. Clara, Evelyn and George's last name translated into Turkish in two forms; "Mullner" and "Muller". The surname "Muller" was used in Content/Characters/Dialogue/ ("event_mail2:"). The surname Mullner was used in Content/Data/ ("5:", "12:") and Content/Data/Events/ ("34/f Penny 500/t 900 1400/w sunny:"). Normally name and surname are not translated into Turkish (so it has to be). That's why I think Mullner is more appropriate but I wanted to ask you anyway. [[Kullanıcı:Syammu12|Syammu12]] ([[Kullanıcı mesaj:Syammu12|mesaj]]) 11:27, 7 Mayıs 2023
:Hello Syammu! I hope you are well! I agree, I think we should use "Mullner", since it appears in all but one place. You can put a note on Penny's page under her 2-heart event about there being a "typo" in the name if you like. Or not, it's your choice.
:Maybe the game's translator thought "Oh, Penny is nervous, she will call George by the wrong name", but it's probably just a mistake. Another mistake. *sigh*
:Thanks for taking such good care of the wiki!! [[Kullanıcı:Margotbean|margotbean]] ([[Kullanıcı mesaj:Margotbean|mesaj]]) 18.04, 7 Mayıs 2023 (UTC)


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