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Turki1shblend (mesaj | katkılar) tarafından oluşturulmuş 18.33, 23 Ağustos 2024 tarihli sürüm
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Doğum Günü Spring.png Bahar 4
Yaşadığı Yer Pelikan Kasabası
Adres Söğüt Sokağı, No: 1

Jodi Icon.png Jodi (Karısı)

Sam Icon.png Sam (Oğlu)

Vincent Icon.png Vincent (Oğlu)

Evlilik Hayır
En Sevdiği Hediyeler Fiddlehead Risotto.png Eğrelti Otlu PilavRoasted Hazelnuts.png Kavrulmuş Fındık
Robin building.png
“Hala yapacak çok işim var”
— Robin

Eksik çeviri

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En son Turki1shblend tarafından 2024-08-23 18:33:53 tarihinde düzenlenmiştir.

“Evde olmaya alışabilecek miyim emin değilim. Kasabadaki huzur bana maske gibi geliyor. Muhtemelen sadece bana...”
— Kent

Kent Pelikan Kasabası'nda yaşayan bir kasabalıdır. Birinci yıl boyunca orduda asker olarak görev yaptığı için kasabada değildir, ikinci yılın bahar mevsiminde kasabaya yerleşir. Birinci yıl boyunca, Jodi'nin yatak odasındaki çekmecenin içindekiler ve Sam ile Vincent'ın diyalogları dahil olmak üzere Kent'e çeşitli göndermeler vardır.


After the Beach Resort on Ginger Island is unlocked, Kent may randomly spend the day there. After leaving the Island at 6pm, Kent will immediately go home to bed. Kent never visits the Resort on Festival days.

Shown below is Kent's schedule, prioritized from the top down. For example, if it is raining, that schedule overrides all schedules below it.

8:30 At home, standing in his living room.
14:00 Leaves home, stands under a tree just north of his house.
17:00 Returns home and stands in the entryway.
19:00 Heads to the kitchen.
21:00 Leaves home, stands under the tree in front of his house.
23:00 Returns home to sleep.
Cuma ve Cumartesi
7:00 AM Leaves home, stands under the tree between the sewer entrance and the bridge to the beach.
10:30 AM Returns home to stand in his living room.
2:00 PM Leaves home, stands under a tree just north of his house.
5:00 PM Goes to The Stardrop Saloon.
11:50 PM Leaves the Saloon and returns home to sleep.
Pazar (if the player has seen Alex's 14 heart event.)
8:00 AM At home, standing in the kitchen.
8:30 AM Leaves home, heads to the altar room inside Pierre's General Store.
11:10 AM Leaves Pierre's and heads to the back room of the Stardrop Saloon.
3:00 PM Leaves the Saloon and heads home to stand in the entryway.
7:00 PM Heads to the kitchen.
9:00 PM Leaves home, stands under the tree in front of his house.
11:00 PM Returns home to sleep.
8:00 AM At home, standing in the kitchen.
10:10 AM Leaves home, heads to the altar room inside Pierre's General Store.
2:00 PM Leaves the altar room, moves to Pierre's counter.
4:00 PM Leaves Pierre's and heads home to stand in the entryway.
7:00 PM Heads to the kitchen.
9:00 PM Leaves home, stands under the tree in front of his house.
11:00 PM Returns home to sleep.
Günlük Rutin
7:00 AM Leaves home, stands under the tree between the sewer entrance and the bridge to the beach.
10:30 AM Returns home to stand in his living room.
2:00 PM Leaves home, stands under a tree just north of his house.
5:00 PM Returns home, stands in the entryway.
7:00 PM Heads to the kitchen.
9:00 PM Leaves home, stands under the tree in front of his house.
11:00 PM Returns home to sleep.


Kent is married to Jodi and together they have two sons, Sam and Vincent.


Ana makale: Arkadaşlık
Ayrıca bakınız: Tüm hediyelerin listesi

Kasabalılara haftada en fazla iki (doğum günü dahilinde üç) hediye verebilirsin, hediyeye göre sizinle olan arkadaşlığınızı çoğaltacak ya da azaltacak. Doğum gününde (Spring.png 4 Bahar) verilen hediyeler ×8 etkiye sahip olacak ve benzersiz bir diyalog gösterecektir.
Hoşlandığı bir hediye için bunlardan birini diyecektir;

“Doğum günü hediyesi mi? Çok naziksin! Çok beğendim.”
“Doğum günümü hatırlamışsın! Teşekkür ederim. Harikasın.”

Nötr hediyeler için bunu diyecektir;

“Ah, doğum günü hediyem! Teşekkür ederim.”

Hoşlanmadığı ya da nefret ettiği hediye için bunu diyecektir;

“Ah... Doğum günüm için mi? ... Teşekkürler.”


“Ah...! Ben küçük bir çocukken annem bunu bana verirdi. Harika anıları geri getiriyor. Teşekkür ederim.”
Görsel Ad Açıklama Kaynak Malzemeler
Kent Happy.png
Fiddlehead Risotto.png
Fiddlehead Risotto Sotelenmiş eğreltiotuyla birlikte sunulan lapa pilav. Birazcık yavan kalmış. Cooking Oil.png Yağ (1)Fiddlehead Fern.png Eğrelti Otu (1)Garlic.png Sarımsak (1)
Roasted Hazelnuts.png
Roasted Hazelnuts Kavurma işlemi sırasında zengin orman kokusu havayı doldurur. Cooking Hazelnut.png Fındık (3)


“Hey, now this is a really great gift. Thanks.”
Image Name Description Source
Kent Happy.png
Daffodil Hediye olarak sunulabilen bilindik bir bahar çiçeği. Foraging - Spring

*Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes.


“That's kind of you. The family will like this.”
Image Name Description Source
Chanterelle Kokusu meyveleri, tadı ise biberi andıran lezzetli bir mantar. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom.png
Common Mushroom Güzel görünen lezzetli bir mantar. Foraging - Fall
Dandelion En güzel çiçek değildir ama yapraklarından çok iyi salata yapılır. Foraging - Spring
Ginger İnsanı zinde tuttuğu söylenen keskin, baharatlı bir kök. Foraging - Ginger Island
Hazelnut Bu bayağı büyük bir fındıkmış! Foraging - Fall
Leek Soğanın lezzetli akrabası. Foraging - Spring
Magma Cap.png
Magma Cap Lav dolu havuzların dibinde yetişen ender bir mantar. Foraging - Volcano Dungeon
Morel Cevizi andıran eşsiz tadıyla bilinir. Foraging - Spring
Purple Mushroom.png
Purple Mushroom Mağaraların derinliklerinde nadir olarak bulunan mantar türü. Foraging - The Mines
Wild Horseradish.png
Wild Horseradish Baharda bulunan acılı bir kök. Foraging - Spring
Winter Root.png
Winter Root Nişastalı bir yumru. Foraging - Winter


“Ah... It's a... what is this, exactly? Hmm...”
Image Name Description Source
Kent Concerned.png
Quartz Mağara ve madenlerde yaygın olarak bulunan belirgin bir kristal. Mining
Snow Yam.png
Snow Yam Karın altında gizlenen ufak bir patates. Foraging - Winter
Piña Colada.png
Piña Colada İçerken aşırıya kaçmamalı. Beach Resort on Sundays


“This... They gave this to me in Gotoro prison camp. I've been trying to forget about that. *shudder*.”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Kent Concerned.png
Algae Soup.png
Algae Soup Biraz iğrenç görünüyor. Cooking Green Algae.png Yeşil Su Yosunu (4)
Holly Yaprakları ve parlak kırmızı meyvesiyle kışın ünlü süslerindendir. Foraging - Winter
Sashimi İnce ince dilimlenmiş çiğ balık. Cooking Fish.png Balık (1)
Tortilla Tek başına ya da arasına bir şeyler koyularak yenilebilir. Cooking Corn.png Mısır (1)

Movies & Concessions

Ana makale: Movie Theater
'Journey Of The Prairie King The Motion Picture'.png Journey Of The Prairie King: The Motion Picture

'Natural Wonders Exploring Our Vibrant World'.png Natural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant World

'The Brave Little Sapling'.png The Brave Little Sapling

'The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch'.png The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch

'The Zuzu City Express'.png The Zuzu City Express

'Wumbus'.png Wumbus

'It Howls In The Rain'.png It Howls In The Rain

'Mysterium'.png Mysterium

Love ConcessionLove.png
Popcorn.png Popcorn
Stardrop Sorbet.png Stardrop Sorbet
Dislike ConcessionDislike.png
Black Licorice.png Black Licorice
Cotton Candy.png Cotton Candy
Jawbreaker.png Jawbreaker
Joja Cola (large).png Joja Cola
JojaCorn.png JojaCorn
Rock Candy.png Rock Candy
Sour Slimes.png Sour Slimes
Like ConcessionLike.png
Everything else

Heart Events


At any friendship level greater than zero friendship points, you may receive a gift in the mail from Kent. The chance of receiving a gift in the mail increases as your friendship with Kent increases.

Item Description
Cherry Bomb.png Kiraz BombasıBomb.png BombaMega Bomb.png Büyük BombaBattery Pack.png Pil

Hello [Player]

This item was collecting dust in the toolshed. I thought you might be able to use it.


Three Hearts I

Three Hearts.png

Enter Kent's home while he and Jodi are both there.

When the player enters Jodi and Kent's house, a cutscene begins and player walks into the kitchen and Jodi says, "Hi, (Player)! I'm just making some popcorn." Kent screams and runs into the kitchen exclaiming "That sound... You should've known that sound would remind me of the war!" Jodi stops the popcorn, and Kent goes on to lament the loss of his friends. Jodi says, "But, dear... popcorn was always your favorite before you left." Kent responds with, "...Things have changed." Jodi then quietly asks the player's character if they can say something to Kent. There are three choices:
  • Jodi's to blame... she should've known better (-25 arkadaşlık) Kent gets angry and says, "You keep quiet! Stop trying to turn me against my wife." Then apologizes to Jodi.
  • I know you're hurting... but don't blame your wife. (+50 arkadaşlık) Kent says the player is "absolutely right," and apologizes to Jodi.
  • (Lie) Blame me... I asked for popcorn. (-50 arkadaşlık) Kent gets angry and says, "Don't lie to me! I hate lies more than anything!" Then apologizes to Jodi.

Three Hearts II

Three Hearts.png

After reaching three hearts with Kent, he will send the player a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Crispy Bass.png
Crispy Bass Picked up this recipe overseas. Enjoy.

Want to say thanks for making me feel welcome.


Seven Hearts

Seven Hearts.png

After reaching seven hearts with Kent, he will send the player a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Super Meal.png
Super Meal Picked up this recipe overseas. Enjoy.

Want to say thanks for making me feel welcome.




First Meeting

“Um, hello there. My name's Kent. I just got back last night... from overseas. My wife told me that a new farmer had moved in while I was gone.

Well, I just wanted to introduce myself... I'll see you around.”


“Hello, farmer. I've been gone so long... I feel like a stranger.”
“I don't know if I'll ever get used to being back home. The peacefulness of the town feels like a mask. That's probably just me though.”
“Things haven't changed much since I've been gone. Well, except that you're here.”
“Things haven't changed much since I've been gone. Except that we have a new farmer in town.”
“You've been here a while now, haven't you? Your farm must be thriving.”
“I've been up since 4 o'clock... sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get back into a normal routine.”
“Sam has really grown up since I left. He's a man now. I wish I could've been there for him.”
“Are you friends with my son? You probably know him better than I do...”
“It looks like a decent day for fishing, doesn't it?”
“Jodi tells me you've really become a part of this community. I'm glad to hear it.”
“I don't know what to do with myself now that I'm back. I'm used to having more structure in my day.”

6+ Hearts

“...I lost a lot of friends in battle. What's sad is that I can't even remember their faces.”

8+ Hearts

“I have trouble sleeping, so please excuse me if I seem tired. I'm sure you can understand.”

If Player is married to Sam

“Hey, [Player]. Are you enjoying the married lifestyle?”

At Ginger Island

“Hey, [Player]. Nice to see you.”
“The boat ride was fun. I even got to use some of my nautical training to help navigate.”
“Standing on this beach... I feel a rare sense of peace. The ocean is a very special thing.”
“This is a great place to bond with the family. I really appreciate you fixing it up.”
“Just getting some water.”
“Time to head home.”

Egg Festival

“I'm not a big fan of eggs, to tell you the truth.”

Flower Dance

“This open field... it makes me nervous. *whisper* Happy thoughts, Kent. Happy Thoughts.”

The Luau

“Hey, good to see you.”

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

“Good evening, [Player]. Hope you can find some time to relax before the harvest season.”

Stardew Valley Fair

“I'm waiting for this clown to start doing something funny. Pretty disappointing.”

Spirit's Eve

“Hey, [Player]. Nice evening, isn't it?”

Festival of Ice

“I like winter. It's peaceful.”

Feast of the Winter Star

“Good afternoon, [Player]. Happy Feasting.”


  • Kent has PTSD from the time he's served in the war. This can be noted by his reaction to the popcorn sound in his Three Heart Event and his dislike of open fields in the Flower Dance. Kent can also explain in a dialogue to the player that his fatigue is due to difficulty sleeping, a symptom of PTSD.
    • Despite his dislike of the sound of popcorn, it is a loved concession when given to him at the Movie Theater. This is most likely because he still loves the snack, but if he were around while it's being cooked it would trigger his PTSD.
  • The chevrons on Kent's sleeve can be interpreted in several ways. Several countries use chevrons (whether pointed upward or downward) to indicate the rank of Corporal, including America, Australia, Brazil, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. The French, Italian, Korean, and Turkish military forces use variations of gold (or red) chevrons to indicate the rank of Sergeant. In the Chinese and Japanese military forces, two chevrons below a star or other symbol indicate the rank of Private First Class. The Russian military used chevrons to indicate various ranks in various branches until 2010.
  • In a dialogue that occurs on Fridays, Sam reveals that Kent used to be a garbage man when they lived in Zuzu City.
  • In a dialogue that occurs on Mondays in Summer, Sam says that Kent took him on trips to the desert when he was younger.
  • Despite the fact Kent likes eggs, he tells you during the Egg Festival that he isn't a big fan of eggs.




  • 1.4: Fixed bug where all recipes would be sent at 3 friendship hearts.
  • 1.5: Added 2 new portraits.