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2.779 bayt eklendi ,  14.09, 17 Mart 2022
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[[File:MomLetter.png|200px|thumb|Letter from Mom]]

Oyuncunun '''Anne ve Baba'''sı, ikinci günden itibaren, belirli miktarda [[Altın|altın]] kazandığında mektup yollar. Eğer oyuncunun karakteri erkek ise mektuplar Annesinden, kadın ise Babasından gelecektir.

==Anne Mektupları==

!Total Amount Earned
!Letter Received
!Item Included
|Dear ''player'',<br />How are you doing, sweety? I've missed you so much since you left. I hope the farming life is everything you hoped for.<br /> Love, Mom. <br /> P.S. I sent your favorite cookies
|Dear ''player'',<br /> It's been so long since I heard from you, dear. Things are the same as ever back home. I miss you very much.<br /> Love, Mom<br /> P.S. Found an envelope with some money Grandpa left for you.
|Dear ''player'',<br /> I saw an article about you in the local paper! It sounds like the country life is a good fit for you! I'm so proud of you. Take care, sweety. Love, Mom
|Dear ''player'',<br /> How are things going? You must really be making a fortune on that farm. Don't forget your dear old mother when you're a millionaire!<br /> Love, Mom<br /> P.S. Enjoy the cake!
|{{name|Pink Cake|size=32|1}}

==Baba Mektupları==
!Total Amount Earned
!Letter Received
!Item Included
|Dear ''player'',<br /> Have you settled into your new life yet? I can't believe you're all grown up now... Time sure flies. Now that you're gone I have all this extra money laying around, so I included a little gift.<br /> Love, Dad.
|Dear ''player'',<br /> How is the country life going for you? It's been lonely here without you, but I'm proud of what you're doing.<br /> Love, Dad<br /> P.S. Found an envelope with some money Grandpa left for you.
|Dear ''player'',<br /> I read an article about you in the local paper! I'm so impressed with your progress on the farm! Keep this up and dear old Dad might be retiring in a fern islands luxury bungalow after all ;).<br /> Love, Dad
|Dear ''player'',<br /> I know you're busy on the farm and that's why you can't visit. I understand. You've been working so hard... keep it up and you can accomplish anything!<br /> Love, Dad<br /> P.S. Included some quality stone


[[de:Mama und Papa]]
[[en:Mom and Dad]]
[[es:Mamá y papá]]
[[fr:Maman et papa]]
[[it:Mamma e papà]]
[[ko:엄마와 아빠]]
[[hu:Anyu és apu]]
[[pt:Mamãe e Papai]]
[[ru:Мама и папа]]


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