Otobüs Durağı

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Peaw (mesaj | katkılar) tarafından oluşturulmuş 06.42, 26 Kasım 2022 tarihli sürüm ("Toplayıcılık" başlığı altındaki hataları düzeltmeye çalışıyorum.)
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Otobüs Durağı
Açık Saatler: 10:00 - 17:00
Adres: Otobüs Durağı
Oturanlar: Yok
Robin building.png
“Hala yapacak çok işim var”
— Robin

Eksik çeviri

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En son Peaw tarafından 2022-11-26 06:42:00 tarihinde düzenlenmiştir.

Otobüs Durağı, Stardew Valley'in merkezinin yanında bulunan özel bir yer, ayrıca oyunun başında vardığınız ilk yerdir. Bu yerdeki ana yol batıdaki Çiftlik ile doğudaki Pelikan Kasabasını birbirine bağlar. Yolun batısına giderseniz Ormanönünün alt kısmına erişebilirsiniz (yolun doğusuna erişelemez).

Haritanın kuzeybatısındaki Maden Arabası başlangıçta bozuktur; tamir edildiğinde, Madenler, Pelikan Kasabası'nda Demirci ve Taş Ocağı Madeni yerlerine erişim sağlar.


Otobüs siz kasabaya vardığınızda bozulur ve toplamda data-sort-value="42500">Gold.png42.500g karşılığında Mahzen Yığınlarını satın alınıp Junimolar tarafından veya data-sort-value="40000">Gold.png40.000g karşılığında Joja Toplumsal Gelişim Proje Formu'nda Otobüs onarımı satın aldığınızda Joja tarafından tamir edilene kadar da öyle kalır.

Otobüs tamir edildiğinde Pam Otobüs Sürücüsü olur. Her gün 10:10'da Otobüs Durağı'na varır ve 17:00'da ayrılır ve biletler de yalnızca o oradayken satın alınabilir. Biletler data-sort-value="500">Gold.png500g karşılığında otobüsün solundaki makineden, yalnızca Pam oradayken satın alınabilir.

Aslında otobüsü saat 10'dan daha erken çalıştırmak mümkündür, Pam'in 08:30'da Karavanından çıkmasını bekleyin ve ardından sürekli önünde durun. Oyuncunun içinden geçerek yürüdüğünde, normal yürüme hızından daha da hızlı yürüyecek ve otobüs durağına 09:40'da varacaktır ve biletler de o varır varmaz satın alınabilir hâle gelir. Makineden bir bilet almak, Oyuncu'yu otobüsle Çöl'e götürecektir. Çöl'den Otobüs Durağı'na geri dönmek de ücretsizdir.

Otobüs ile Çöl'e gitmek Bahar 25'te mümkün değildir, çünkü Pam'in Harvey'nin Sağlık Ocağı'nda randevusu vardır. Işınlanma Totemi: Çöl veya Çöl Dikilitaşı kullanılarak da Çöl'e gidilebilir..

Eğer atınızı Otobüs Durağı'nda bırakıp giderseniz, Çöl'den döndüğünüzde ekranınızda bir mesaj belirecektir, "Sadık atın sabırla dönmeni bekliyor." veya "[Atın adı] nereye kaybolduğunu merak ediyor."


Otobüs Durağı'nda toplanılabilecek şeylerin belirebileceği yerler.

Otobüs Durağı'nda yerde belirebilecek toplanılabilir şeyler şunlardır:[1]

Toplanılabilir şeyler baharda gece başı yaklaşık 1.0 oranla; yaz, güz ve kışta ise gece başı 0.8 oranla belirir.[2] Haritada belirmeleri mümkün olan yerler kırmızı ve magenta karelerde gösterilmiştir; orijinal ağaçlar bulunuyorsa, magenta karelerde %90 daha az doğma şansı vardır çünkü o kareler, ağaçların arkalarına kalır ve görünmeleri zordur.


Artifacts that can be found by digging up Artifact Spots at the Bus Stop are:

Other possible items are:

Artifact spots spawn at an average rate of 0.11 per night, except in winter when the average rate increases to 0.8 per night.[4]

Villager Paths

Locations at the Bus Stop where villager paths can destroy items.

Only two villagers walk through the Bus Stop map and have the potential to destroy items:

  • Pam walks back and forth to the bus daily, only after the bus has been repaired.
  • Abigail walks back and forth to the bush northeast of the bus on Tuesdays in the Fall.

Deleted Content

The "Bus People" map area is an unused part of the game's introduction. The player was in control at this point, and could move around and interact with people and objects on the bus. This scene was removed from the game before its initial release, but some of the data related to this scene can still be found in the game's files.



The source code file Content\Strings\StringsFromCSFiles.xnb contains messages that would have been displayed when the player interacted with the various elements of this scene.


  • (Pet cage next to old lady?) - "It doesn't look too happy in there..."
  • (Bathroom Door?) - "Occupied"
  • (Bus door?) - "The bus hasn't arrived yet..."
  • Haley - "Oooo... My feet hurt from all that shopping. Hey. Could you ask the driver how long it'll be until we get to Stardew?"
  • Haley (2) - "...well?"
  • Man in Red Shirt - "Moustached Man: Don't worry, friend. I've got my eyes peeled for the valley."
  • Old Lady - "Old Lady: You're liable to hurt someone, waltzing around on a moving bus!"
  • Old Lady (2) - "Old Lady: Ah well, if my knees weren't so stiff I'd probably do the same. Hehee."
  • Newspaper Man's Bag - "Man: Get your claws off my bag."
  • Newspaper Man's Bag (2) - "Man: ...Did you hear me, kid? Scram!"
  • Newspaper Man's Bag (3) - "Man: What are you, some kind of bum?"
  • Newspaper Man's Bag (4) - "Man: ...*Sigh*... Kids these days..."
  • Newspaper Man's Bag (5) - "Man: For the love of Yoba, get your filthy paws off my designer bag!"
  • Newspaper Man's Bag (6) - "Man: That bag costs more than you'll make in ten years!"
  • Newspaper Man's Bag (7) - "Man: Arghh!! Take this and leave me alone, you hooligan!" (followed by) "Received 1g."
  • Newspaper Man's Bag (8) - "Man: ..."
  • Skater Kid (player is male) - "...No response."
  • Skater Kid (player is male, 2) - "Kid: 'Sup?"
  • Skater Kid (player is female) - "Kid: 'Sup?"
  • Skateboard (player is male) - "Kid: Dude, don't touch my board."
  • Woman by child - "Lady: We just got back from the Zuzu City fun park... didn't we Simon?" (followed by) "Simon: *babble*... *slurp*"
  • Woman by child (2) - "Lady: He's shy around strangers."
  • Empty Seat - "Found 20g under the seat!"
  • Girl with bow - "Girl: Hi! <" [sic]
  • Bus Driver before talking to Haley - "Driver: Hey, you'd better take a seat."
  • Bus Driver after talking to Haley - ("Dobson" event starts)


When the player talks to the bus driver after talking to Haley, an event will start playing involving an unknown character named Dobson. It's possible that "Dobson" was later replaced with the JojaMart manager, Morris. The source code file Locations\Bus.cs contains the actions and messages that would be take place if the event were able to play out.


  • "Driver: Huh? We're almost there. It should only be a few more minutes."
  • (A door close sound effect plays, Dobson appears (from the bathroom?) and faces the player.)
  • "Sir? Are you still there? Uh-huh... sorry to put you on hold, sir. I had some business to attend to."
  • (Dobson moves) "That's right, sir... I'm on the bus right now, heading to Stardew Valley."
  • (Dobson moves and faces a different direction) "I have to say, so far I've been quite unimpressed with the locals."
  • (Dobson changes the direction he is looking) "They seem like a docile and unfashionable sort of people. The children look sickly, and all the young men are delinquents from what I've seen so far..."
  • (Dobson moves and faces another direction (possibly at the Joja Mart sign?)) "Although, they are displaying our corporate logo, which you'll be pleased to hear, sir."
  • (Dobson moves and faces another direction) "*snort* ... Yes, sir. It definitely won't be a problem to get these country rubes to sign the paperwork... We'll have that new Joja Hypermarket up and running in no time. Then maybe we can discuss that new-"
  • "Moustached Man: Everyone, look!!"
  • (The map tileset changes -- perhaps showing the bus coming to a stop in Stardew Valley?)
  • "Moustached Man: There it is! Stardew Valley!"
  • (Dobson faces the player.)
  • (The scene ends.)


The bus ticket shown below was never implemented in the released version of the game. It was intended to appear in the Player's wallet. In v1.3, the bus ticket image was replaced in game files with the Magnifying Glass image.


  • After repairing the bus, Lewis will say "...did you hear? It seems the old town bus started working again overnight! That old thing has been dormant for decades... This is truly a great mystery."
  • If the player warps to the Desert then takes the bus back before Pam arrives at the Bus Stop, the player will drive the bus.
  • There is a video interpretation of the deleted content located at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmAqmihyooU


  1. For each forage item, the provided percentage is the average percentage of all forage items that will be the specified item for that season. The input data is Locations.xnb, which is processed by code in GameLocation::spawnObjects.
  2. Of the 1050 total tiles at the Bus Stop, 89 (8%) are valid spawn locations for standard forage items. For more information on forage item spawning, see Foraging.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 The chance of finding extra items in Artifact Spots in season-dependent. The maximum chance is in summer and fall. In winter, the chance is 50% less; in spring it is 6% less. See Artifact Spot for more information.
  4. Of the 1050 total tiles at the Bus Stop, 47 (4%) are valid spawn locations for artifact spots in spring, summer, and fall. 245 (23%) are valid spawn locations in winter. See Artifact Spot for more information.